FMIS (Fresh Meat Injection System)
“FMIS”, a first in Turkey, is a system developed by injecting fresh meat into the food. In this system,the meats come to the factory so that the cold chain is not broken. Fresh meat is separated into itsmolecules without any additives and brought to a homogeneous liquid consistency in its own format.Then this fresh meat is sprayed into the extruder while the food is in the form of dough in the extruder.In this way, fresh meat is distributed homogeneously inside and outside the food.
Thanks to this system, the digestibility rate of fresh meat increases up to 99%. The taste of fresh meatis distributed homogeneously inside and outside of the food pieces. The smell of fresh meat, whichattracts the attention of our pet friends, wraps inside and outside the food.
FMIS (Fresh meat injection system) makes the resulting product unrivaled, as it maximizesdigestibility, a criterion of efficiency in the diet of pets, and significantly enhances the flavor of food.
The digestibility rate of liquefied meat increases to 99%.

The taste of the food pieces reaches the top.
The smell of food pieces becomes attractive.